Updated NYS DOH Guidelines Related to COVID-19 Exposure and Infection
New York State Department of Health Releases Updated Recommendations for Healthcare Workers Related to COVID-19 Exposure and Infection
The rapid proliferation of the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus has moved the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and New York State Department of Health (DOH) to again revise their recommendations related to COVID-19.
Whether or not you need to isolate or quarantine depends upon several factors, including (but not limited to) your exposure, vaccination status, and symptomatology.
Please consider the following guidance from the DOH dated December 24, 2021 in order to make the most informed decision. Always check for contemporaneous information from the CDC, NYS DOH, and your local Department of Health for any additional recommendations.
Return to Work / Isolation Guidance - 12/24/21 - NY.gov
New York State - County Health Department Directory
In summary, the isolation and quarantine periods have been shortened to ease the burdens on the critical areas of our healthcare system and the economy, including the Chiropractic profession.
It is also noteworthy that guidelines on return to work specify that cloth masks are not acceptable and KN95 or a properly worn surgical mask must be used.
In addition, the CDC has provided the following for quarantine and isolation as it relates to the general population.
Isolation / Quarantine Guidance - 12/27/21 - CDC.gov
The NYSCA will continue to seek to inform its members of any changes on a timely basis.
Yours for better health,
The Officers of the New York State Chiropractic Association