Convention Exhibitors

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How many attendees do you expect?

    A: The number of attendees varies by location and date of the convention. Our Spring Convention at Mohegan Sun typically hosts 175-250 DCs and staff members from across the tri-state area. When on Long Island, our Fall Convention sees 150-175 DCs from the downstate NY region.

  • Q: Do I need to purchase exhibit space to gain access to the exhibit floor?

    A: Companies/individuals must be registered exhibitors or participants (Doctors of Chiropractic, chiropractic students, and chiropractic assistants) in order to gain access to the exhibit area. Unregistered individuals are not permitted to "walk" or access the exhibit/event area. 

  • Q: Can I obtain a list of attendees before or after the event, including phone numbers and email address for follow up?

    A: As many as 20% of our convention participants register within the last 2 weeks prior to our events. Therefore, we do not offer a pre-event participant list. We encourage our exhibitors to promote their attendance at NYSCA events using their established social media platforms (See the Exhibitor Prospectus for the event hash tag).

    Participant postal mailing lists will be sent to registered exhibitors within 5 business days following the close of the convention, but do NOT include email addresses or phone numbers. We encourage our exhibitors to make personal contacts at the convention and to obtain email or phone information during those conversations. Exhibitors may also use raffles or other booth games to obtain contact information from convention participants.

  • Q: How do I maximize my participation at the show and reach more customers/clients?

    A: The NYSCA offers a variety of ways to drive business to exhibit booths, including notation of raffles on the floor plan, registration bag inserts, and a post-show attendee list for follow-up.

    The NYSCA encourages our exhibitors to plan well and to train exhibit staff in advance of the convention to be proactive in marketing their brand. Many websites offer suggestions on how to accomplish this, as well as how to encourage exhibit traffic and to increase exhibitor ROI.

  • Q: I need to ship materials to the convention for my exhibit. Do I have to use a designated service or can I ship directly to the hotel?

    A: Instructions on how and when to ship materials for your exhibit to the convention venue are detailed in the exhibitor kit. It is imperative that you DO NOT ship materials directly to the hotel, unless specifically instructed to do so in the exhibitor kit. 

    It is also important that you make specific arrangements to have your materials shipped back to you following the convention. When making your arrangements, please remember that exhibits break down on Saturday evening and most shipping companies do NOT schedule pick-ups on Sundays. Please understand that convention venues are large and employ dozens of individuals who might handle your materials. Failure to follow inbound shipping instructions and/or make specific outbound shipping arrangements result in delayed receipt and potential loss of exhibit materials. The NYSCA is not responsible for losses resulting from failure to follow shipping instructions.

  • Q: Why are there no exhibit hours on Sunday morning? Is there any way to reach out to potential clients/customers on Sunday morning?

    A: In the past, our exhibitors have expressed little interest in exhibiting on Sunday morning due to their increased costs. This led to the discontinuation of Sunday exhibit hall. In the future, if the majority of our exhibitors wish to extend their exhibit time into Sunday morning, we will revisit the schedule based upon venue availability. At this time however, Sunday morning networking opportunities for exhibitors are limited to mingling with doctors during the morning coffee break. No exhibit tables may be set up on Sunday morning.

After reviewing the FAQs and Exhibitor Prospectus, do you still have questions? Contact us using the form link below and we will be happy to assist you.

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