Continue practicing within your scope as you render emergency chiropractic service
During the COVID-19 pandemic, New York’s chiropractors continue to do their best to serve their patients and communities. A reminder for those that chiropractors that remain open as part of Essential Business during this state of emergency- you need to still practice under the current scope of practice.
These are unprecedented times and following the guidance of the CDC, DOH, and Executive Orders is necessary to care for your patients. Currently, they all require that you continue to exercise your best professional judgment and continue to practice within your license.
One exception may be the performance of telemedicine services, for which executive order has lessened the requirements allowing more providers to care for patients without physical contact. This will allow chiropractors to take care of the health and wellness needs of their patients, but even these telephonic or video appointments need to be performed according to the established scope of practice.
As a reminder, Article 132 of NYS Education Law Section 6551 regarding the Definition of practice of chiropractic, in subsection 3 states, “A license to practice chiropractic shall not permit the holder thereof to treat for any infectious diseases” … “or to use diagnostic or therapeutic methods involving chemical or biological means except diagnostic services performed by clinical laboratories which services shall be approved by the board as appropriate to the practice of chiropractic”.
In addition to ensuring your services adhere to this standard, your advertising must as well. The State Board has clarified, “You are responsible for the content of all advertisements placed in any medium”. Further this states, “Penalties for advertising not in the public interest may range from being issued an Administrative Warning (AW) to revocation of your license.” “Not in the public interest”, has been defined by the Board of Regents to include, practicing or offering to practice beyond the scope permitted by law.
Please make sure the care you provide, offer to provide, or advertise meets these standards.
Those who wish to assist with the COVID-19 crisis can do so by:
- Helping to prevent the spread of the disease including office closures, distancing, and/or use of appropriate PPE
- Identifying symptoms and making appropriate referrals
- Volunteering for the governor’s outreach program
- Continuing to take care of your patient’s needs either in person or by telemedicine to avoid further burdening urgent care and emergency departments with neuromusculoskeletal conditions.
However you choose to help during this crisis, please do so with an eye on your scope of practice and the public health needs of your community.