Legislation to Establish Chiropractic Care Parity for Military Retirees, Dependents and Survivors through TRICARE
Attached is a copy of a Congressional "Dear Colleague" letter from Rep. Ed Schrock (R-VA) and Rep. Lane Evans (D-IL) being circulated in today's afternoon mail on Capitol Hill. It asks Members of the U.S. House of Representatives to join as original co-sponsors of an ACA-backed legislative proposal to extend chiropractic health parity to U.S. military retirees, dependents and survivors through the TRICARE program. In recent years, Congress has passed, and the President has signed into law, legislation establishing a permanent chiropractic care benefit for both active duty military personnel and veterans. The Schrock-Evans Chiropractic Parity in TRICARE Bill represents the next step toward ensuring that all of America’s current and former military service personnel, and their families, have access to the chiropractic services they need and deserve. ACA and the Association of Chiropractic Colleges have been involved in discussions concerning this issue since earlier this year and have committed to working closely with Reps. Schrock and Evans to build strong support for the legislation among pro-chiropractic Members of Congress. Accordingly, ACA urges all concerned DCs, CAs, chiropractic students and patients and friends of the chiropractic profession to immediately contact their representatives in the U.S. House to request that they join as original co-sponsors of the soon-to-be-introduced Schrock-Evans Chiropractic Parity in TRICARE Bill. As a chiropractic supporter, it is essential that you take immediate action on this matter by calling your Congressman or Congresswoman at his/her local office or through the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 225-3121. Please urge co-sponsorship of the Schrock-Evans Chiropractic Parity in TRICARE Bill.