The NYSCA is committed to the Unity process and looks forward to working toward that end with the Council. Regarding the Council's recent release, we regret that the Council paints the Unity process in a negative light. There are several issues that need to be resolved and we are confident that can be achieved. The NYSCA looks forward to future Unity meetings and finding compromise.
Regarding modernizing our Scope of Practice, in their statement it appears the Council prefers our law “as currently written” and supports the status quo. Looking at the state of practice in New York, the NYSCA sees room for improvement and our members are asking us to pursue a more comprehensive scope.
The NYSCA supports a scope that includes examination, diagnosis, extremities, nutrition, as stand alone procedures without a mandatory intent to treat the spine, as these are part of the foundations of our clinical training. It is nice to know we have some common ground to work from as both organizations support the idea of chiropractic remaining drug-free and surgery-free and want inclusion of the subluxation in our modernized language. We hope all interested will review the Scope Modernization Discussion Document and review theFAQs.
The NYSCA will continue working towards Unity and Modernization as these are the wishes our membership and the path to a brighter future for chiropractic in New York.