I write in response to your inquiry regarding lawful scope of chiropractic practice in New York State and if using x-ray on extra-spinal parts of the human body falls within that scope.
Section 6551(1) of Education Law defines the practice of chiropractic as "detecting and correcting by manual or mechanical means structural imbalance, distortion, or subluxations in the human body for the purpose of removing nerve interference and the effects thereof, where such interference is the result of or related to distortion, misalignment or subluxation of or in the vertebral column." [emphasis added].
Section 6551(2) of Education Law defines the chiropractic use of x-ray authorizing its use also for the "detection of structural imbalance, distortion, or subluxations in the human body.” [emphasis added]
Consequently, to remove nerve interference and its effects, a chiropractor may detect and correct structural imbalance, distortion or subluxation in the human body, including extra-spinal parts, and may use x-ray as an imaging tool to assist in that process.
It is relevant to note that professional study in chiropractic includes diagnostic examination of neuromusculoskeletal conditions in extremities of the human body. Moreover, New York State licensed chiropractors are professionally responsible under the law for detecting conditions that: 1) contraindicate chiropractic care, 2) exceed the lawful scope of chiropractic treatment, and consequently, 3) warrant referral to another health professional.
Norman G. Cohen
Executive Secretary