NYCC Students to Provide Care at SUNY Buffalo Student Health Center

Beginning October 11, interns at the Depew Health Center will be providing chiropractic services to students at the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB). This affiliation is the culmination of a two-year undertaking originally born as a result of a presentation on chiropractic made to the doctors and staff of the UB Student Health Center. Dr. Frank Carnevale, the Director of the Center, is excited about the new program and expects it will quickly become a success. The UB Student Health Center satellite clinic will expose NYCC student interns to an additional patient population that will enhance their clinical education. Hours of operation will be Mondays from 1:00 to 7:00 PM and Wednesdays from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, and appointments will be booked through the UB Student Health Center. Integrating chiropractic services with the UB Student Health Center’s medical and social services will be yet another example of NYCC’s multidisciplinary efforts aimed at benefiting patients. A byproduct of this affiliation will be the education of medical counterparts and U.B. students who come in for care. The University of Buffalo is the largest and most comprehensive university in the SUNY system. The large UB student body – more than 27,000! – will mean a busy schedule for student interns at the satellite clinic.


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