From our ACA Delegates Drs. Herd and Wolfson: Good news on the national legislative front

On March 27, we received the following from Senator Schumer's legislative aide, "I apologize for the delay in response but its appropriation season so it has been hectic. I wanted you to know that we signed Senator Schumer as a cosponsor to S. 1147." On February 16th while in Washington, DC attending the ACA National Legislative Conference we visited Capitol Hill with Dr. Bazakos, Dr. Nicchi and NYCC students. We explained to Senator Schumer's legislative aide the importance of obtaining his co-sponsorship of S1147 (see below for issue). This is an exciting and positive step in gaining support for S1147.

Senator Schumer adding his name with his senior and respected status in the Senate, sends a clear message to fellow senators of the importance to support our veterans! Please feel free to send a quick thank you to his office for his co-sponsorship and the importance this bill has in helping one of our most important national treasures...our veterans!


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