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National Chiropractic Health Month 2016 Kicks Off Oct. 1

Online toolkit provides resources, guidance on participating in this year’s campaign

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American Chiropractic Association Lauds Opioid Legislation

Recommends Increased Access to Non-Drug Therapies

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JMPT - From the Editor's Desk – Does inclusion of chiropractic care result in cost savings?

The most recent issue of the JMPT has a series of 3 papers that will help to fill the evidence gap and answer the question "Does inclusion of chiropractic care result in cost savings?" Each of these papers focuses on one area of musculoskeletal health that has been identified as a public health burden: low back pain, neck pain, and headache.

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May is Posture Month - Join the Posture Revolution!

Here’s your chance to be one of the thousands of chiropractors promoting posture awareness.

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Update from the NYS Board of Chiropractic

The New York State Board for Chiropractic acknowledges and thanks Ellen Coyne, DC, for her 10 years of service. Dr. Coyne's dedication will continue as an extended Board member.

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NYSCA Member Granted 'Recognition Status' by NCQA

Dr. David BenEliyahu of Selden, NY, a NYSCA District 7 member for over 30 years, was recently granted 'Recognition Status' for the Patient Centered Connected Care Program, by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Dr BenEliyahu's chiropractic practice, Coram-Selden Chiropractic, is the first Chiropractic practice in New York State, and the second in the nation, to receive the prestigious NCQA Seal for Patient Centered Connected Care (PCCC).

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Chiropractic Physicians Applaud CDC Guideline on Opioid Prescribing; Encourage Conservative Options First for Pain


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American Chiropractic Association Elects New President


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David Herd, DC Elected President of the American Chiropractic Association


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Important Information: Medicare Equality Campaign

Last February the ACA House of Delegates passed a formal resolution directing ACA to make achieving full physician status in Medicare a top priority of the association.

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Beat Pain Without Dangerous Drugs

Ask the Doctor With Dr. Robert G. Silverman

Dr. Robert G. Silverman is one of the nation’s foremost chiropractic healers. He was named the American Chiropractic Association’s 2015 Sports Chiropractor of the Year. Dr. Silverman specializes in natural pain relief, sports performance, and nutrition. He is a nationally and internationally known speaker and has his own TV show. Dr. Silverman graduated magna cum laude from the University of Bridgeport, College of Chiropractic. He is in private practice in White Plains, N.Y. Visit his website HERE.

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Call for Participants Chiropractic Care For Chronic Pain


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Senate Passes Bill to Expand Chiropractic Services at Major VA Medical Centers

Arlington, Va. - The U.S. Senate has approved legislation that will improve the delivery of benefits to America's veterans, bringing them one step closer to gaining further access to the essential services provided by doctors of chiropractic (DCs) at major Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers. S. 1203, the 21st Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act, passed under unanimous consent and has been referred to the U.S. House of Representatives, where it awaits action. 
Section 102 of the Act, titled "Expansion of Provision of Chiropractic Care and Services to Veterans," calls for the chiropractic benefit to be carried out at a minimum of two additional medical centers or clinics per Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) no later than two years after enactment of the bill, with the program being implemented at no less than 50 percent of all medical centers in each VISN within three years of enactment. There are nearly 160 VA treatment facilities nationwide. Currently, DCs serve at 66 treatment facilities across the country. 
Especially important to note in the bill is the further integration of chiropractic services available to veterans, which was broadened to include services provided by DCs under the Preventive Health Services and Medical categories in addition to the existing coverage area of Rehabilitative Services, placing DCs in service categories previously closed to them. 
"For the past several years, veterans have enjoyed only limited access to the essential services provided by doctors of chiropractic throughout the VISN," said American Chiropractic Association (ACA) President Anthony Hamm, DC. "ACA has worked closely with our congressional allies, such as Sens. Jerry Moran and Richard Blumenthal, on behalf of our nation's heroes and in support of this important bill." 
"I am especially proud that the member institutions that comprise the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) will play a pivotal role in preparing the next generation of DCs to serve our military veterans throughout the United States and overseas," said David O'Bryon, JD, CAE, ACC president. "It is important for us to assist with veterans care."
The provision comes after a VA report published in June 2015, stated that more than 61 percent of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn veterans who sought health care from the VA over a 13-year period were treated for musculoskeletal ailments. 

Sen. Moran (R-Kansas), a senior member of the Senate VA Committee, and Sen. Blumenthal (D-Conn.), ranking member of the committee, championed this provision, after introducing S. 398, the "Chiropractic Care Available to all Veterans Act of 2015," from which the pro-chiropractic provisions of the recently passed legislation were derived. Sens. Moran and Blumenthal have been strong supporters of further integrating the essential services provided by DCs to veterans and worked closely with ACA in securing support for this provision in the Senate.
ACA believes that the inclusion of services provided by DCs in the VA health care system will speed the recovery of many veterans, especially those returning from operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The services provided by DCs have been proven to be a cost-effective and beneficial treatment option. In fact, a 2010 study published in Clinical Rehabilitation found that spinal manipulation provided better short- and long-term functional improvement and more pain relief in follow-up assessments than other physiotherapy interventions. Furthermore, a2003 study published in the medical journal Spine found that manual manipulation provides better short-term relief of chronic spinal pain than a variety of medications.
Prior to congressional intervention over a dozen years ago, no DCs served on the staff of any VA treatment facility. The availability of chiropractic care for eligible veterans was limited to VA "referrals" to DCs serving in private practice outside the VA system. Such referrals were so rare that chiropractic care was essentially non-existent within the VA system.


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Legislation Would Include Chiropractic Physicians in U.S. Public Health Service

Arlington, Va. - A new bill in the U.S. House of Representatives would improve the quality of America's health care infrastructure by further integrating doctors of chiropractic (DCs) into the nation's official delivery and research networks. H.R. 3851, introduced by Rep. Gene Green (D-Texas), calls for the appointment of chiropractic physicians as officers in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps. 

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Q&A with the NY State Board of Chiropractic Education

1) What is the role of the Chiropractic State Board?

The New York State Board for Chiropractic serves as the regulatory body for chiropractic in New York and serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Regents. There are over 50 different state boards that the Office of the Professions has established through the New York State Education Department. The primary role of these state boards is to protect the public by ensuring that complaints that are filed by consumers are investigated and dealt with fairly and in an unbiased nature. These complaints can be quite varied and can range from scope issues, boundary violations, fraud and any other aspect of unethical practice.

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Update from the NYS Board of Chiropractic Education

Our July meeting at New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls was a “twopart” meeting. After Executive Session (in which no disciplinary cases were discussed), Drs. Nicci and Mestan offered a presentation about the efforts that the College has recently put forth to advance the profession. These efforts involve the opening of new community outreaches as well as efforts to improve clinical experiences as graduates move on to treat a more diverse population. Also, within this presentation was a description of the changing demographic of chiropractors themselves, showing dramatic increases in the number of women and minorities following the chiropractic path. New Board members, Dr. Mark Craft and Dr. Elaina Pirro-Lombardi were officially welcomed.

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It is All About Scope

Keynote Address By David Herd DC, ACA Vice President at the NYSCA 2015 Spring Convention at Mohegan Sun

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National Chiropractic Health Month 2015: Pain Free Nation!

Hosted by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM) is a national public awareness and education campaign held each October. NCHM strives to teach health care consumers about the benefits of chiropractic services and to promote the expertise of doctors of chiropractic (DCs) in helping their patients reach optimal levels of health and wellness.

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DCs Call for Conservative Treatments for Pain Management Amid Prescription Painkiller Epidemic

Arlington, Va. - During National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM) in October, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) will work with thousands of doctors of chiropractic (DCs), chiropractic assistants (CAs) and chiropractic doctoral students nationwide to bring attention to the public health crisis caused by pain, and in particular the overuse of prescription painkillers, with this year's theme #PainFreeNation. The campaign is part of the profession's ongoing efforts to educate the public about the value of exhausting conservative forms of care for both acute and chronic pain before resorting to higher risk options, such as opioids.

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ACA Statement on NCCIH's New Report on Pain in the United States


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