In what many consider a ground breaking move in healthcare education, D’Youville College has announced it will be offering a Doctor of Chiropractic program beginning in 2004. D’Youville will be the first standard accredited multi-disciplinary college in New York State to “mainstream” chiropractic education by offering the Doctor of Chiropractic degree and only the second college in the country to do so. (The University of Bridgeport in Connecticut started their program in 1990.) Canada, a major source of students for D’Youville, has only one school of chiropractic.. The State Education Department approved the program in June and D’Youville is now actively recruiting freshmen students. Previously, students interested in the chiropractic profession had to attend one of 16 single purpose institutions nationwide primarily dedicated to chiropractic education. Now, with D’Youville entering the field, a student will take liberal arts and science courses required for an undergraduate degree with students from other health-related disciplines and then embark on professional level evidence-based chiropractic studies. Chiropractic is a healthcare discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. It focuses on the relationship between body structure, primarily of the spine, and function as coordinated by the nervous system and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health. The name is taken from the Greek words “cheiros” (hand) and “praktos” (done by) and combined to create “chiropractor” or “done by hand.” “This new program will be the cornerstone of our Integrative Holistic Health Department at D’Youville,” says Sister Denise A. Roche, president. “In addition to our current certificate program in hospice and palliative care, we envision that the department will eventually add future offerings in the areas of acupuncture, integrative healing, and transpersonal psychology.” D’Youville will offer the chiropractic program on two levels: one that will provide the student with the opportunity to complete the Bachelor of Science in Biology degree and the Doctor of Chiropractic in seven years and one for transfer and/or ‘second career students’ who, if they have an undergraduate degree and meet academic requirements, can earn their Doctor of Chiropractic in four years. Students entering the program at the freshmen level will pay undergraduate tuition throughout the seven-year program, according to D’Youville officials. The program will be centered on the fourth floor of the college’s Academic Center where a state-of-the art chiropractic clinic will be built for the clinical training portion of the program. “D’Youville began studying the feasibility of offering academic programs related to complementary and alternative therapies three years ago. The selection of chiropractic as the first program was based on a number of factors, including the fact that chiropractic is both alternative and mainstream as well and the profession has gained popular acceptance” according to Dr. Paul T. Hageman, chair of the Department of Integrative Holistic Health Studies and lead faculty member for development of the program. Also, the fact that the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy recommends the integration of complementary and alternative medicine into the mainstream healthcare system encouraged D’Youville’s development of the program. Two-thirds of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) offer at least one form of alternative care with the most common being chiropractic (65%) and acupuncture (31%), according to a study conducted by National Market Measures, for Landmark Healthcare Inc., a company specializing in the development and delivery of management programs for musculoskeletal disorders and rehabilitation services. “The steadily increasing acceptance and use of chiropractic by the public, third-party payers, and the Federal Government indicate that chiropractic is no longer the marginal profession it was once considered to be,” Hageman said. “As part of our feasibility study, we surveyed 1991 licensed chiropractors randomly selected from New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Ontario. Our survey concluded that the demand for chiropractic care at the national, state or provincial levels will continue to increase during the next decade, there are sufficient individuals interested in becoming chiropractors, and the majority of chiropractors support the integration of chiropractic programs into university and college settings,” he said. “Students will focus on human anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, pathology, diagnostic imaging, chiropractic diagnosis and analysis, adjustive techniques and will complete a strong graduate-core research requirement,” Hageman said.. “In addition, they will be integrated into classes in nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, dietetics and other health related courses The intent of this integrative and collaborative approach is to facilitate communication among professionals and to bring about an enhancement of patient care.” The college expects approximately 30 students to sign up for the new program in the next academic year. D’Youville’s long history of health care education, beginning in 1942 with the area’s first four-year nursing degree program, was followed by the addition of occupational and physical therapy, a physician assistant program and a dietetics program in the 1980s. Graduate programs in nursing, health care administration, and a number of health related certificate programs were also added. Chiropractic is recognized today as one of the largest healthcare professions in the United States and chiropractors are currently licensed in all states. In 1970 there were approximately 13,000 licensed chiropractors with the number increasing to 81,000 in 2000, according to the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. BACKGROUND The modern history of chiropractic began with Dr. Daniel David Palmer, a teacher/healer and the person considered the founder of the practice. He was born in Port Perry, Ontario in 1845 and 20 years later moved to Iowa opening his first practice in Burlington. His son, Bartlett J. Palmer, was an early pioneer in radio and owned several radio stations. A firm believer in advertising and mentored in the art by his friend Elbert Hubbard, who established his Roycroft printing plant and furniture factory in East Aurora, Palmer is credited with the growth of the chiropractic profession. “B.J.” helped his father build Palmer College in Davenport, Iowa into one of the largest chiropractic colleges in the U.S. He is credited with establishing the school’s prominence and with helping to have chiropractic accepted by both the public and legislators. Palmer died in 1961. Early history shows “manipulation” described in an ancient text dating back to 2650 B.C. by travelers to Asia in which tissue manipulation was a part of therapy. In 1500 B.C., the Greeks were recording their successes in lower back treatments. In 1983, the American Public Health Association (APHA), after years of research, initiated a policy statement that recognizes spinal manipulation as a safe and effective treatment for certain neuromusculoskeletal disorders, including the treatment of lower back pain. - 30 – Contact: Dr. Paul T. Hageman, chair of the Integrative Department of Holistic Health, D’Youville College. 881-7793 office, 532-5094 home.
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