As of 09/07/2018 Special Funds Conservation Committee has officially closed down operation. Each patient that was assigned to Special Funds will revert back to the original carrier they had prior to special funds or NCA (Neuman claims administrator). Many patients were notified of this by their designated carrier.
All care going forward for maintenance or acute exacerbation will need to be mailed to the new carrier. The Workers' Compensation Committee members of the NYSCA will be seeking further guidance and input from the Workers Compensation Board going forward.
Our concerns are with HP-1's HP-1J's and any previous denials or C8.1's our member doctors may have currently with SF. We hope to have all these questions resolved by the convention.
Healthcare providers seeking information on current insurance carriers for cases previously handled by Special Funds should contact the Workers’ Compensation Claims Department at [email protected] or by phone at (877) 632-4996. As always, please ask your patient to bring in verification of their insurance information.
If NYSCA members have any other questions regarding Special Funds, these can be directed to the NYSCA Workers' Compensation Committee using our contact form. Specific questions regarding individual denials can not be accurately addressed at this time.