Dear Friends,
We did it! The results Tuesday night showed we defied all expectations and won this race with 55% of the vote, a ten point margin of victory. This huge win would not have been possible without all your help.
To all of you: family, friends and supporters, old and new, thank you. I know you have spent countless hours volunteering and donating to the cause. My family and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help on this campaign.
We took on Mayor de Blasio and won! The Hudson Valley is not for sale and batted back New York City's big government policies from infringing on our way of life.
Like I said at Tuesday night's amazing victory party, this is awesome! I am proud that together we ran an above-board, positive campaign that did not mirror the undignified and negative campaign of personal attacks waged by my opponent.
Despite Mayor de Blasio sending his staff and a $250k bankroll of funneled money to my opponent, despite my opponent spending over a million dollars on negative attack commercials and mailers, and despite being outspent by the millions poured in from George Soros and New York City special interest groups supporting my opponent with false and misleading attack ads, we prevailed. Yesterday's landslide margin shows that our message of lower taxes, more jobs and a cleaner environment truly resonates with the residents of Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester counties.
While some of you are new to our campaigns, many of you have been here from the start and know that with me, its not about party labels, its about results. In the coming weeks we will be announcing out transition plans to work closely with Senator Ball, who I thank for his service and support, to ensure a seamless transition of constituent casework.
I want to once again say thank you from the bottom of my heart and pledge to be your independent voice in the New York State Senate, fighting for you each and everyday so that we can give everyone the opportunity to succeed. I remain,
Best in health,
Dr. Terrence Murphy
40th District
P.S. If you still have any of our lawn signs or see one on the road, please give us a call so we can return it to headquarters at 964 East Main Street in Shrub Oak!
We did it! The results Tuesday night showed we defied all expectations and won this race with 55% of the vote, a ten point margin of victory. This huge win would not have been possible without all your help.
To all of you: family, friends and supporters, old and new, thank you. I know you have spent countless hours volunteering and donating to the cause. My family and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help on this campaign.
We took on Mayor de Blasio and won! The Hudson Valley is not for sale and batted back New York City's big government policies from infringing on our way of life.
Like I said at Tuesday night's amazing victory party, this is awesome! I am proud that together we ran an above-board, positive campaign that did not mirror the undignified and negative campaign of personal attacks waged by my opponent.
Despite Mayor de Blasio sending his staff and a $250k bankroll of funneled money to my opponent, despite my opponent spending over a million dollars on negative attack commercials and mailers, and despite being outspent by the millions poured in from George Soros and New York City special interest groups supporting my opponent with false and misleading attack ads, we prevailed. Yesterday's landslide margin shows that our message of lower taxes, more jobs and a cleaner environment truly resonates with the residents of Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester counties.
While some of you are new to our campaigns, many of you have been here from the start and know that with me, its not about party labels, its about results. In the coming weeks we will be announcing out transition plans to work closely with Senator Ball, who I thank for his service and support, to ensure a seamless transition of constituent casework.
I want to once again say thank you from the bottom of my heart and pledge to be your independent voice in the New York State Senate, fighting for you each and everyday so that we can give everyone the opportunity to succeed. I remain,
Best in health,
Dr. Terrence Murphy
40th District
P.S. If you still have any of our lawn signs or see one on the road, please give us a call so we can return it to headquarters at 964 East Main Street in Shrub Oak!

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