JLTF Alert: Calling All Members to Support A4391
As you all know, we are hard at work in Albany working on the legislative priorities for the profession. One of our main legislative initiatives has been passage of a bill that would allow doctors of chiropractic to form partnerships with medical doctors.
The bill is on the calendar in the Senate, but it remains in committee in the Assembly. We need your help with the Assembly. We are asking all members to please call your local Assemblyperson and ask them to sign on as a sponsor of A4391 and further ask them to support the bill if it comes up for a vote. The bill is sponsored by Assemblyman Daniel O’Donnell. If you do not know who your Assemblyperson is or don’t have their contact information, you can visit http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/search/
The legislative session will conclude on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, so we need you to take action now.
Thank you for your efforts!